What is Pentaksiran Berasaskan Sekolah (PBS) & Pentaksiran Bilik Darjah (PBD)

What is PBS ?

Pentaksiran Berasaskan Sekolah (PBS) was introduced since 2011. This holistic assessment includes :-

  • Academic : Pentaksiran Bilik Darjah (PBD) & Pentaksiran Pusat (PP)
  • Non-academic : Pentaksiran Aktiviti Jasmani, Sukan dan Kokurikulum (PAJSK) & Pentaksiran 3 Psikometrik (PPsi)

Following the abolition of UPSR and PT3 in year 2021, the empowerment of PBS which began to be implemented in 2021 continue to be strengthened.


What is PBD ?

Pentaksiran Bilik Darjah (PBD) is a continuous assessment in teaching and learning sessions to obtain information about students’ development, progress, abilities and achievements. PBD occurs formatively and summatively; as learning, for learning and about learning.


What subjects are involved in PBD?

  • All KSSR and KSSM subjects.
  • The implementation of the PBD concept takes place continuously from Year 1 to Year 6 in primary school and from Form 1 to Form 5 in secondary school.


Why PBD?

PBD can help teachers in:

  • Track student development as a whole
  • Identifying student strengths and weaknesses in learning
  • Knowing the effectiveness of teaching
  • Design and modify teaching methods
  • Take appropriate follow-up action immediately


How is PBD implemented?

  • PBD is implemented continuously throughout the PdP process throughout the year. PBD is implemented through various assessment methods such as:
  1. Observation
  2. Writing
  3. Oral
  • Through project work, quizzes, presentations and other learning activities, based on Performance Standards and the teacher’s professional judgment.
  • PBD reporting is done at least twice a year.


Assessed Aspects

Various aspects can be assessed through PBD which covers various intelligences as well as the emotional and personality development of students. The assessed aspects include aspects of values and competencies required in today’s world, in addition to cognitive, affective and psychomotor development as stated in the DSKP of each subject.

Examples of assessed aspects are:

  • Knowledge
  • Thinking skills
  • Language skills
  • Calculation skills
  • Study skills
  • Social skills
  • Manipulative skills
  • Practical skills
  • Kinesthetic skills
  • Creativity
  • Health and fitness
  • The practice of pure values
  • Attitude


Student Mastery Level

Pupils will be assessed according to the following mastery levels which are TP 1 to TP 6.

  • TP1 : Murid tahu perkara asas atau boleh melakukan kemahiran asas atau memberi respons terhadap perkara yang asas
  • TP2 : Murid menunjukkan kefahaman dengan menjelaskan sesuatu perkara yang dipelajari dalam bentuk komunikasi
  • TP3 : Murid menggunakan pengetahuan untuk melaksanakan sesuatu kemahiran atau tugasan pada suatu situasi
  • TP4 : Murid menggunakan pengetahuan dan melaksanakan sesuatu kemahiran atau tugasan iaitu mengikut prosedur atau secara analitik dan sistematik
  • TP5 : Murid menggunakan pengetahuan dan melaksanakan sesuatu kemahiran atau tugasan pada situasi baharu dengan mengikut prosedur atau secara analitik dan sistematik serta tekal dan bersikap positif
  • TP6 : Murid berupaya menggunakan pengetahuan dan kemahiran sedia ada untuk digunakan pada situasi baharu secara analitik, sistematik, bersikap positif, kreatif dan inovatif dalam penghasilan idea baharu serta boleh dicontohi


Animation Video on Pentaksiran Bilik Darjah (PBD)

For more information on PBD, you may refer to:-

  1. MOE Website
  2. Portal Rasmi Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum
  3. EduwebTV KPM


Last Update: 15 March 2023

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