My youngest daughter just started her primary school on 20 March 2023. In less than 1 month, she was down with fever, cold and cough. After 3days, her fever subsided but her stuffy nose and cough became worse. Even after taking flu, cough and mucus medicine for 1 week, she is still not fully recovered. To make matter worse, my elder daughter was infected too and started to have blocked nose and dry cough.
Suddenly, my husband remembered that Black Elderberry is packed with vitamins and antioxidants that can help to boost immune system and is especially useful to prevent and ease cold and flu symptoms. Immediately, I grab a bottle of Sambuvy Black Elderberry Syrup from the nearest Caring pharmacy.
To my astonishment, the severity of colds and cough reduce tremendously after 2 days. My youngest daughter was fully recovered on the 3rd day & my eldest daughter on the 4th day. Seems that Sambuvy really helps to their recovery from flu and cough.
School will re-open next week. Even though social distancing & wearing masks are great ways to protect them from viruses, but having a strong immune system is definitely the best protection. I decided to power up their immunity with Sambuvy Black Elderberry.
- Children (2-12 years old): 5ml, 2 times daily.
- Packing: 100ml /200ml